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Oracle COUNT method.

In Oracle PL/SQL, the COUNT method is a function that returns the number of items in a collection (ignoring the deleted items even if DELETE stores fi…

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MySQL function indexes.

MySQL indexes: Starting with MySQL 5.7, you can create indexes for expressions, or functional indexes using the generated columns. Basically you need …

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Oracle PL/SQL tutorial.

Oracle PL/SQL is a combination of SQL, along with the procedural features of programming languages. It was developed by Oracle Corporation in the earl…

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A trigger is a named PL/SQL module that is stored in a database and can be invoked again. You can enable and disable a trigger, but you cannot explici…

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Oracle PRIOR and NEXT methods.

In Oracle PL/SQL, the PRIOR and NEXT methods are functions that allow you to move back and forth in the collection (ignoring the deleted items even if…

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