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Oracle LNNVL function

Oracle/PLSQL LNNVL function is used in the WHERE SQL query sentence to evaluate the state when one of the operands may contain the value NULL….

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Oracle NULLIF function

Oracle/PLSQL NULLIF function compares expr1 and expr2. If expr1 and expr2 are equal, the function NULLIF returns NULL. Otherwise, it returns expr1….

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Large database size Distribution MS SQL Server

Sometimes you have to face the situation when in Microsoft SQL Server with the configured replication, the database distribution starts to grow. There…

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Oracle SQLCODE function

The SQLCODE function returns the error number associated with an exceptional situation. This function can only be used in the exception handling secti…

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Automating routine tasks is becoming more and more important for PostgreSQL power users, and gexec can help. This article will demonstrate how to use …

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