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PostgreSQL SELECT statement.

PostgreSQL SELECT statement is used to extract records from one or more tables into PostgreSQL.

In its simplest form, the syntax for the SELECT stat…

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PostgreSQL HAVING statement.

PostgreSQL HAVING statement is used in combination with GROUP BY statement to limit groups of returned strings only to those whose condition is TRUE….

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Tips and tricks of MySQL.

MySQL is probably the best known relational database management system. As the “M” of the LAMP web development platform, this open-source solution i…

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How to transfer data from Microsoft SQL Server to a MySQL database

If you mainly use open-source programs in your company, and there are several MS SQL server databases, you can consider moving to a MySQL database.


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In SQL Server, there are five steps to masking data.

Any inquiry or sequence of questions you ask a human being is referred to as a query. The first step in answering any investigation is to figure out t…

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