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Oracle TRUNC function (FOR DATE).

The Oracle/PLSQL TRUNC function returns a date truncated to a specific unit….

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Oracle SYSTIMESTAMP function.

Oracle/PLSQL SYSTIMESTAMP function returns the current system date and time (including fraction of a second and time zone) to your local database….

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PostgreSQL Slow Queries Management.

.How to deal with queries that run too slowly
There are always a few slow-running queries in every deployment.

Please continue reading to learn how…

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10 useful tips for writing SQL queries.

Today I want to talk about the simple things that will help novice SQL programmers more correctly, thoughtfully and simply make the logic of their que…

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Oracle PL/SQL Literals.

In this tutorial you will learn how to use literals (text, integers and numbers) in Oracle with examples.

In Oracle, he wrote the same thing as th…

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