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Encryption of stored data in MySQL 8.

MySQL 5.7.11 introduced transparent encryption for InnoDB table space, which included support for table space files. Later, encryption for the shared …

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Oracle CASE statement.

In Oracle statement CASE has IF-THEN-ELSE functionality. Starting with Oracle 9i, you can use a CASE statement in an SQL sentence….

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Oracle CURSOR FOR LOOP statement.

Oracle/PLSQL CURSOR FOR LOOP Statement can be used when you want to upload and process each cursor entry. CURSOR FOR LOOP will end when all records ar…

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Oracle FOR LOOP statement.

In Oracle/PLSQL, the FOR LOOP cycleallows you to execute code again for a fixed number of times….

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Oracle LOOP statement.

In Oracle, the LOOP statement is used when you are not sure how many times you want to execute a loop body or execute a loop body at least once….

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