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Why are my postgresql update times getting less timely?

A customer recently questioned me about why a bulk load into a PostgreSQL table continued slowing down over time. They saw that the trigger on the tab…

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My PostgreSQL table does not shrink when I vacuum.

Have you ever wondered why VACUUM does not reduce the size of your PostgreSQL tables? Have you ever pondered the lack of data file compression in VACU…

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Oracle RPAD function.

The Oracle/PLSQL RPAD function supplements a certain character set from the right side of the string (at non-zero string1)….

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Symbolic / string Oracle PL/SQL functions.

FunctionDescriptionASCIIThe Oracle/PLSQL ASCII function returns the numeric representation of the leftmost character of the string.ASCIISTRThe Oracl…

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Oracle VSIZE function.

The Oracle/PLSQL VSIZE function returns the length in bytes for the internal representation of the expression….

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